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Low Income and Foreclosure Resources for Cumberland County, NC

What if I’m struggling or in a crisis? Get the help you need from local resources from caring organizations.  FayToday has included a lengthy lest of free assistance programs in the region.  There is low-income assistance as well as Foreclosure programs.  From utility bills, prevention of eviction, saving your home’s mortgage, health care, or finding […]

Hurricane Irene: Fayetteville NC

  Hurricane Irene is expected to visit the Cumberland County region early Saturday morning. With many different predictions, the best we can do, is prepare. FayToday has listed a few resources to help you track the storm, be prepared for emergencies, and what we can do afterwards. Governor Bev Perdue is seen in the video […]

After the Tornado: Day 11 @ Yadkin Rd

Community help quickly came to neighbors rescue the week following the April 16th tornadoes across Cumberland County. Yadkin Road businesses suffered great loss as well as the housing community, Cottonade. With a simple digital cam, I decided to revisit the destruction to document the progress.   A couple blocks from Ponderosa shopping center lies destroyed […]

Tornado Assistance: Where to Get Help? Give Help? View List!

Here are some resources to find more information about financial assistance beyond Medicaid/Medicare. You must check the criteria for eligibility for most, just as you would Medicaid/Medicare.  Please do not get discouraged from the requirements or process as it may feel tedious, yet well worth it in the longrun.  I recommend reviewing your denial letter […]