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Live! Downtown Fayetteville NC at Festival Park’s Ceremony for All America Award

  Okay, I was late for the party.  Yet as I arrived I seen people rushing toward festival park.  From 4 blocks away, pedestrians were seen with lawn chairs, strollers, and significant others.  I didn’t wanna miss the apple pie and ice cream, as I remember a FayToday facebook post stating it was at 7pm. […]

Community Voices Opinion on VRA Redistricting Maps in Cumberland County

  Public hearings on newly proposed Voting Rights Act districts are being held across the state.  Cumberland County participated in the open public forum at Fayetteville Technicall Community College.  The new maps are controversial as they plan to add minority representation to over 50% in specific districts.  Here is a quick video clip of the […]

Fayetteville NC wins All America City video contest!

VIEW THE CEREMONY on TV : *updated June 30 Thursdays          Channel 7                          9:30 PM Channel 60                       3:30 PM Mondays              Channel 60                       10:30 am 4:30 pm 9:30 pm on Youtube:  http://youtu.be/aivzpw2mt2k. or View on Mayor’s […]

Veteran’s Park is Set for Dedication Ceremony on July 4th

  North Carolina Veteran’s Park is scheduled for dedication ceremony on July 4th in Fayetteville, NC.  It is the first state’s park to honor veterans specifically.  The park is set to describe the military experiences of veteran’s lives.  It includes every branch of service from old to present.   Exhibits will account the life before, […]

82nd Airborne Division’s All-American Chorus [VIDEO]

  Watch the 82nd Airborne Division’s All-American Chorus perform Uploaded by ncstatealumni on Jun 8, 2011 The 82nd Airborne Division’s All-American Chorus performed several songs, including “America the Beautiful,” at an alumni reception at the Airborne & Special Operations Museum in Fayetteville on Tuesday, June 7, 2011.   http://www.facebook.com/82ndAllAmericanChorus MORE VIDEO:

VOTE Fayetteville NC: All American City in Video Contest!

Fayetteville, NC was among the finalist in the All-America Stories video contest.  The entry with the most “likes” on our Facebook page will be announced the winner on June 17, the night of the All-America City Awards celebration in Kansas City.  You can view the Facebook page here:  All-America City Awards The video is a great […]

Go Swimming in Fayetteville NC Area Pools & Water Parks!

Let’s Swim! Where is there to swim around Fayetteville, N.C.?  FayToday has collected a list of places that offer a cool down when the heat’s up, all these pools have the best hayward pool pump to keep the cleanest of the pool.  Check out these locations to swim:  Quick List: ?#?FAYETTEVILLENC? Chalmers Pool @ 708 Langdon […]

I-295 construction set to continue: See maps & research

  NIXLE.com – Bragg Boulevard is expected to be closed overnight on May 16 and May 17, starting at 11 pm to 5 am each time.   Murchison Road to Bragg Blvd: Construction started in July 2009 and is 27% complete as of June 2010 | via http://www.duke.edu/~rmalme/fut295.html   “Work includes grading more than five miles of […]

NC Schools Face Steep Budget Cuts – See Research & Stats!

    The political battle heats up as public education faces steep budget cuts. The most noticeable cuts are the K-12 group which face $106 million less than anticipated.  The Republican supported bill is aimed at spending less on education in upcoming years because of a estimated $2billion state budget cut.  Many stats and research […]

Joint Special Operations Command Credited for Death of Osama bin Laden

On May 1st, President Obama issued command to infiltrate a Pakistan compound containing the description of terrorist, Osama bin Laden.  In a 40 minute firefight, Osama bin Laden was defeated after resisting his capture. It is reported that Osama bin Laden was shot atleast once in the head.  His body was recovered, but ultimately dumped […]