WHO’S HIRING? Fayetteville NC Week of Feb 22-26th ? CUSTOMER SERVICE ? OLD NAVY Brand Associate www.bit.ly/onjob8 ? THE LIMITED Sales Associate @Cross Creek Mall www.bit.ly/limitedjob8 ? DOLLAR GENERAL Lead Sales Associate @Chickenfoot Rdwww.bit.ly/dgchicken ? AEROPOSTALE Sales Leader Apply at Cross Creek Mall Location ? SPENCER’S GIFTS Sales Associate www.bit.ly/spencejob83 ? EXPRESS STORES Wireless […]
The Grove Street Biscuit Chicken restaurant closed in recent months with many wondering it’s fate. The breakfast and chicken place has been a fixture in the area for years. It was the last Biscuit Kitchen around, after the closing of the Spring Lake, NC location years ago. Recent discrepancies forced the store to close […]
WHO’S HIRING? Fayetteville NC Week of Feb 15-19th ? CUSTOMER SERVICE ? SEARS Cashier www.bit.ly/searsjob8382 ? ACADEMY SPORTS Cashier www.bit.ly/academysports3 ? DICKS SPORTING GOODS Retail Cashier www.bit.ly/dicksjob83 ? LOWES Store Seasonal Employee @Good Middlingwww.bit.ly/lowesgood3 ? TMOBILE Retail Sales Associate @Sycamore Dairy www.bit.ly/tmob83 ? KMART Customer Service – Apparel www.bit.ly/kmartcsv ? KMART Sales Associate […]
How do I schedule an appointment to have a mammogram? Please call 1-855-655-BMMC (2662) for more information on the tour dates and to schedule an appointment. What are the eligibility guidelines for a screening mammogram? ? Must be a woman 40 years or older ? Must have a primary care physician (a report will […]
You Can Purchase Your Tickets In Person. Starting January 16th, 2016 At Ring Wars Carolina “new Ground” Freedom Courts Sportsplex 3126 Gillespie St, Fayetteville NC CONTACT: 843 986 4778
Free Dental Clinic for Kids — For ages 2 to 18 years old with no dental insurance February 12th from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 pm at Spring Lake Dental Group 103 Superior Dr., Spring Lake, NC ? Set Appointment with Dr. Carr-Finch at 910 497 3200