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NC4ME Military Hiring Event for Military and Transitioning Oct 26th

  NC4ME is hosting a military hiring event on 26 October from 9 am to 4 pm at Fayetteville Technical Community College in the Tony Rand Student Center.  This event is free to job seekers and employers.   NC4ME Military Hiring Event Wed, October 26, 2016, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Angela Bassett Visits Voter Info Session in Fayetteville, NC

Angela Bassett, actress and Golden Globe winner, was a surprise guest at a Fayetteville, NC voter information session held at College Lakes Recreation Center on Monday, October 24th.  Bassett spoke to the small, yet astonished crowd about the importance of the election and why she is backing Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump for the 2016 […]

Tandoori Bites Indian Restaurant Planned for Marketfair Shopping Center in 2017

  Tandoori Bites Indian restaurant is planned for a 2017 launch at Marketfair Shopping Center on Skibo Road in Fayetteville, NC. A local favorite restaurant of Wilmington, NC will aim to open a second location for Fayetteville foodies.  Tandoori Bites offers an award winning flavor from Indian cuisines while hosting a great experience with Indian greetings and traditions through the […]

Community Thanksgiving Dinner, Help Feed the Homeless and Less Fortunate

  Donate to “Let’s Give Thanks”,  the community thanksgiving dinner aimed at feeding the local homeless and less fortunate in Cumberland County, NC November 23, 2016  from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at 328 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC Sponsored by Love Hope & Dreams Foundation, Community Health Interventions & Sickle Cell Agency, and FayToday Community […]

NC Governor McCrory Temporarily Waives Select DMV Fees for Hurricane-Affected Counties

  In an effort to provide relief to residents impacted by Hurricane Matthew, Governor Pat McCrory has directed the Division of Motor Vehicles to temporarily waive certain fees for customers in counties affected by Hurricane Matthew. “We are committed to offering every assistance possible to those impacted by Hurricane Matthew so that families can return […]

Disaster Food Stamps Approved for Hurricane Matthew Victims in Some NC Counties

Many counties affected by Hurricane Matthew are now eligible for emergency food benefits through the U.S. Department of Agriculture Disaster Food and Nutrition Services Program.  D-SNAP, or known as disaster food stamps, is available for those who have experienced food loss because power outages of more than 8 hours and those who have ha significant losses of property. To be determine eligibility, […]

Early Voting Locations and Times in Cumberland County, NC

  NC Early voting runs Oct. 20 – Nov. 5 During that period, you can vote at any early voting location in your county. NC Voters who miss the voter registration deadline can still register to vote and cast a ballot during the early voting period from Oct. 20 – Nov. 5 using same-day registration. […]