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Methodist University Delays Opening of 2022 Spring Semester

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. — With a continued focus on safety as the No. 1 priority, Methodist University President Stanley T. Wearden announced on Wednesday that the top-tier, highly ranked school in Fayetteville will be pushing back its 2022 Spring Semester start date for undergraduate on-campus residential and commuter students by one week (from Jan. 10 to […]

New Year’s Celebration in Fayetteville, NC Returns with a Night Circus and Concert at Festival Park

From the Downtown Fayetteville, NC Cool Springs District: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages… step right up for Fayetteville’s inaugural District New Year’s Eve Spectacular! The Cool Spring Downtown District and the City of Fayetteville are proud to announce the inaugural event, “Night Circus: A District New Year’s Eve Spectacular”, free […]

Fayetteville NC to Hold “Booze It or Lose It” Checkpoints Dec 17, 2021

“Booze It and Lose It” DWI checkpoint coming to Fayetteville, NC for the holiday season. Law enforcement agencies confirmed a checkpoint will be up and running on Friday, Dec 17, 2021 at S. Reilly Road in Fayetteville, NC. “Booze It & Lose It” was launched in 1994 to increase awareness of the dangers of drinking […]

Seventy-First High School JROTC hosts 2021 Santa in Blue Gift Giveaway

Seventy-First High School JROTC students participated in its annual “Santa in Blue” community service event. Each year JROTC selects two day care/pre-K schools to attend and provide holiday cheer and presents for the kids. This year they chose Rainbow Daycare on Fisher Road. Kids had a blast. Seventy First High School Jr. ROTC

Holmes Security System of Fayetteville NC wins Service Awards at Resideo Conference

Congratulations to Holmes Security System, Inc of Fayetteville, NC. Holmes Security Systems received awards in three categories at the 32nd annual Resideo conference in Orlando on Saturday, December 11, 2021. The awards were for Life Safety, Community Service, and Marketing Excellence. Lynnie Guzman, Marketing Director, said, “It was an honor to accept the Marketing award […]

Fayetteville NC’s “Christmas in the Park” is FREE Admission for 2021

Enjoy the annual “Christmas in the Park” featuring a FREE drive thru so you can experience the sights and sounds of the Christmas season at Arnette Park. Arnette Park is located at 2165 Wilmington Hwy, Exit 100 off Hwy 87, in Fayetteville NC Event dates: December 5-9, 12-16, 19-21 (excludes Fridays and Saturdays) Hours: 6-9 […]