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NC Tennis Honors: Drew Hedgecoe and Vijay Subbanna

This past weekend, Drew Hedgecoe and Vijay Subbanna, were named winners at the US Tennis Association of NC awards ceremony in Pinehurst, NC. Kudos to these athletes. Please check out their amazing accomplishments in recent years.

DREW HEDGECOE (right) –Terry Sanford HS

? Coach Don Skakle High School Tennis Male Player of the Year Award by the United States Tennis Association of NC tennis

?2022 3A Singles State Champion

?As a Freshman, Drew posted a 17-0 combined record winning the MidEast Regional and 2022 3A NC State Singles Championship and named to the MidEast All Region and the 3A All-State team

?1st place in doubles Louisville Kentucky Indoor Championships 2021


?Vijay Subbanna #1 for both USTA NC and Southern sectionals in 40 & over, 4.0 division in 2021

?During August 2021 Vijay won the “golden ball” National Qualifiers in both singles AND doubles for 40 & over 4.0 division

?Playing the Nationals event Vijay brought home the silver racquet for 2nd place in the nation for his division

?Recipient of the “Jack Warmath” Adult Tennis Male Sportsmanship Award by the US Tennis Association of NC tennis

NC Tennis Honors: Drew Hedgecoe and Vijay Subbanna

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