NC COVID-19 UPDATE: Phase 2 Reopening Plan Extended Until Aug 7, 2020

NC Governor Roy Cooper announced Phase Two of reopening will be continued 3 more weeks until Aug 7, 2020 due to covid-19 concerns. The initial executive order was originally set to expire this Friday, July 17, 2020
? NC STATS: 89,484 positive cases, 1,109 hospitalizations, 1,552 deaths (440 deaths in last 4 weeks, 42 deaths in the last 24hrs)
? Phase 2 allows for some businesses to open at 50% capacity, such as salons, tattoo parlors, restaurant dining rooms, as well as mass gatherings set to 10 indoors and 25 outdoors.
? CLOSED. bars, gyms, playgrounds, bowling alleys, sporting events, theaters, skating rinks, museums, and amusement parks
?? Recent confirmed cases in NC have highly increased in age group 18-49
? Schools will open for in-person instruction under an updated Plan B that requires face coverings for all K-12 students, fewer children in the classroom, measures to ensure social distancing for everyone in the building, and other safety protocols. See full plan at