Hope Mills Police Officers receive awards from M.A.D.D.

On the evening of Monday, May 9, 2016, the Hope Mills Police Department hosted the 2015 Sandhills Chapter Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) awards dinner at the Hope Mills Recreation Center.
The dinner was held to present awards to Law Enforcement Officers with the highest number of DWI arrests within the Sandhills MADD Chapter area. Detective G. Regan and, Officers C. Joseph and M. Wentzel received awards for the most DWI arrests for the Hope Mills Police Department.
The Hope Mills Police Department was also awarded the ‘Heart of MADD’ award for the department’s ongoing support of MADD and it’s mission of removing dangerous, intoxicated drivers from our roadways.
Press Release via Nixle.com
Hope Mills Police Department
5770 Rockfish Rd
Hope Mills, NC 28348