Fayetteville Dogwood Festival The Fayetteville Dogwood Festival is an award winning event that provides an outlet for both local and national musicians, pageants, artists, arts and crafts … www.faydogwoodfestival.com/ VISIT on Facebook: Fayetteville Dogwood Festival – on Facebook Fanpage at: facebook.com/faydogwoodfestival
The annual International Folk Festival is a multicultural experience hosted by The Arts Council in downtown Fayetteville, NC. The event kickoff began at 7 p.m. with the infamous, Parade of Nations. It displays diversity within the community along Hay Street and ending on Ray Ave. Each year, Groups or organizations represent their country’s culture in […]
The 2011 Dogwood Festival is here again! The food, music, crowd, fireworks, and Fayetteville spirit feels the air. Downtown Fayetteville will celebrate throughout the weekend. In the last years, this event has been a great success with award and record breaking notoriety. The 2010 festival concluded with light rain, yet attendees had no problem walking […]